Friday, June 29, 2018

Comparing Fractions

When comparing decimals, we start by comparing the integer parts of these numbers; if the integer parts are equal, we compare the tenths; if the tenths are equal, we compare the hundredths, and so on.

However, it is not so obvious when comparing fractions. What are the techniques?

I. Comparing fractions with a common denominator

A. Rule

To compare positive fractions with a common denominator we simply compare the numerators.

More precisely: Where a, b, and c are three positive numbers and c is a number other than 0, if a < b, then ac<bc (and, of course, if a > b, then ac>bc ).

B. Examples

We want to compare 37 and 57.

We know that 3 < 5, so 37<57.

We want to compare 2.50.03 and 2.300.5.

We know that 2.5 > 2.3, so 2.50.03>2.300.5.

II. Comparing fractions with different denominators

At this point we are only looking at cases where one denominator is a multiple of the other (or where it can easily be reduced to this). We will study the general case later.

A. By reducing the fractions to a common denominator

To compare fractions with different denominators we start by reducing them to a common denominator. This means that we replace them with equivalent fractions that have a common denominator. So we can apply the rule from paragraph I.A.

To replace one fraction with another we use the following rule:  ab=a×kb×k
(where b and k are not 0).

Example 1: Compare 58 and 34.

Note that: 8 = 4 × 2, therefore 34=3×24×2=68.

We have: 58<68 (according to the rule from paragraph I.A), therefore 58<34.

Example 2: Compare 5 and 347.


We have: 5=5×77=357, therefore 5>347.

B. By calculating decimal approximations

To compare two fractions we can look for decimal approximations by using a calculator:
If we find exact values, comparing these values will give us the result;
otherwise we have to use values that are rounded to sufficient accuracy in order to reach a conclusion.

Example 1: We want to compare 258 and 7725.

Using a calculator (or by hand), we find that: 258=3.125 and 7725=3.08.

As 3.125 > 3.08, we deduce from this that 258>7725.

In this example we have used exact values.

Example 2: We want to compare 6237 and 3219.

Using a calculator (or by hand), we find that: 62371.676 and 32191.684 (values rounded to the nearest thousandth).

As 1.676 < 1.684, we deduce that 6237<3219.

In this example, we have used values rounded to the nearest thousandth. Values rounded to the nearest hundredth would have been inconclusive because 62371.68 and 32191.68.